Every since the boy was born, each birthday party has offered some spin on the 'backyard birthday party' concept. For example:
- His 1st birthday party held in New Hampshire in a cabin while the family came together for a wedding
- Bex' 2nd birthday seeing his Red Sox play the Texas Rangers and getting his mug up on the scoreboard
- 3rd birthday in Texas and the accompanying sack race of course
- And his 4th birthday held in our backyard here in Ohio
[OK, so maybe the Red Sox + getting his face up on the electronic scoreboard wasn't totally a 'backyard' gig, but for the most part we've tried to just do something low-key each time.]
And to a degree we pulled it off again.
Or not.
Depends on what you consider low-key to be.
Whether by divine inspiration or a foolish brainfreeze, this year we elected to invite his entire PreK class from last year and his entire Kindergarten class from this year -- 25+ kids all together -- to his grandmother YaYa's house for a backyard party and a walk to the local ice cream shop to celebrate the boy's 5th birthday.
[yes, you read that correctly]
And somehow it turned out just perfectly.
Hats off to everyone involved.
Including his amazing mother who kept it all in balance, his YaYa who generously opened up her home, Heidi and her inspired live-sized puppets known as OpenHeartCreatures, and the very patient folks at the Bexley Graeter's Ice Cream shop for making it all come together.
Part 1: Story Time Welcomes Everyone
Part 2: The Rocket Ship of Puppets Arrives
Part 3: Walking to an Old Fashioned Ice Cream Shoppe