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January 20, 2006


susana canelo

It's absolutely amazing how information is shared but I'm a bit worried about all the people are staying out (especially becuase of development reasons, like kids in our inner Argentina)


Great info and I suspect you are right and we are seeing a whole new form of intelligence where, as you describe, "it's about conversation not information"
I'm jsut starting an EdD program and it looks like one of my main roles is as blog evangelist to a bunch of highly educated people who haven't a clue about the most profound change to education since the ball point pen.


I read this blog and was impressed. I am a teacher in question of the future. I started a masters degree in technolgy and education through Lesley College. We had to start a blog ourselves and I can see the pwoer of a blog as a collaborative piece like you are talking about. I actualy question what the powers to be will let us do in the classroom over time. I just posted a similar thought on my blog at
http://3rdgradecomputers.blogspot.com/ if you are interested.

it seems that teachers are getting less control over what we do in the classroom so it will be interesting to see what happens.

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