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February 17, 2006



"it has failed to live up to what blogging is ultimately all about"

I guess it's all about expectations... and our perceptions about the what, why, how and when of things...

Anyway thanks for the work you have done... it's been a great resource and inspiration - if not a conversation :-)


I keep discovering bands that have already broken up by the time I hear them for the first time. It's so disappointing because there's no potential for further engagement and new connections. That's kinda how I feel reading this post, but on the other hand, these things have to be sustainable. I went through a process of rethinking the blogging thing after exactly one year -- http://headspacej.blogspot.com/2004_05_01_headspacej_archive.html -- (first two posts on that page).

If I did learn any lesson at that point, it was that it doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing proposition. Why not keep it live, but post only when it seems fruitful and fun to do so? I've gone months with hardly any posts, and then while I'm on a specific project I might post heavily for a while. It seems to work out ok.


I echo the thoughts of my fellow readers, it's a shame for you to stop - put simply, you mined the (information) river and turned up nuggets for us all to test our teeth on!

In my opinion, the success was in the attempt!

Chris Lehmann

Well... considering how many times you and I piggy-backed ideas off of one another, I'm very sad to see think:lab go... but I have a sense that we haven't seen the last of Christian Long in the blog-universe.

John Powers

I like what Roger has to say about it not having to be an "all or nothing thing."

Recently a Nigerian living in the U.S. blogged about a trip home to Nigeria. The photographs and writing was superb. I knew he intended it as a temporary publication. But I was shocked when it wasn't there, taken down. I would have liked for it to be kept up for a little while so I could have gone back to read the earliest posts I'd missed. I wanted time to savor the whole document for a while.

Unless, you have some pressing reason to take this down in a hurry--like having to pay your subcription--why not leave the site standing for a while? The links the alerts to books are all valuable as are the archives.

Whatever you decide, I'm very pleased to discover think:lab. I'm not in the education business;-) But education is a subject most of us are interested in, as citizens if nothing else.

When I was in college years ago I volunteered at a state hospital in the evening recreation activities with profoundly retarded kids. There were two dozen kids in a gymnasium. I felt convinced that the space was partly responsible for their crazy behavior. The sapce was dehumanizing to staff and children alike.

Sometimes I embarass myself when discussions about schools come up by mentioning how bad bathrooms in most schools are. People must think I have an anal fixation or something. But my point is simply that schools often aren't very pleasant places to be.

I can't tell you how good you make me feel about the work you do.

And then there's blogging. I'm convinced it's a great tool for learning. But we've got to learn how to use it. Right now everyone's so afraid of it. A friend used a blog in his most recent Saturday Art classes at a local museum. It was thrilling for me to read and watch what the students were doing.

LOL my comments left made one student ask: "Who's that creepy guy who keeps leaving comments on our blog?" And that was a teachable moment for my friend. Now the museum wants him to talk with other instructors about using blogs.

This blog has allowed me to alert my friend to other educators trying to figure this medium out.

Mr. Long, you've done a good thing here. There's no trouble with moving along, and I'm sure you'll go on to build really cool stuff. Remember that we don't all fall off the world when you close this up. You've built a reputation among a group of readers--that's capital you can use.

Thanks and hooray for think:lab!

Kurt Komaromi

Don't be too hard on yourself. Blogs are great collaborative tools for knowledge management and your blog has made a significant contribution. The dirty little secret of most blogs is there's precious little conversation going on. Most readers don't take (or have) the time to post comments on the many blogs they subscribe to. I think your expectations are unrealistically high in this age of information overload. You are doing good, valuable work with this blog. Stay with it.

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