Poll Position: Career Crystal Ball Will your job exist in 2016? Take the Fast Company poll!
All well and good to ramp up on math classes and get the kids to 'pass the test.' But, and maybe I'm 'off' a bit on this, if we don't spend a fair amount of time helping the same kids/students with some visioning exercises as to what they might 'do' with their lives once they graduate, it will seem to be a lot of skills without an arrow attached. Or even a rubber band to at least help them adapt and rebound as the future changes much of the game of work.
And even if it's not about 'getting the job' but truly about being a 'liberal arts' renaissance sort of 21st century soul, it still might make sense to have kids not try to 'name the career/major' but instead to focus on the pattern of passions and skills they can develop...and the career they will create, rather than fill like a box.
To that end, from the good folks at Fast Company:
Six Jobs That Won't Exist in 2016 | by Fast Company Staff
Who needs know-it-all bloggers, auto mechanics, and other folks we've become all too familiar with? Find out if your career is one of the six on the rocks, and why.Fearless Predictions (And What to Do About Them) | by Alison Overholt
Four fearless predictions about the future of work--and what to do about them.Creating a Gem of a Career | by Alison Overholt
Monster.com? History. Networks? Everywhere. Five trends that will shape your career in the coming decade.