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August 16, 2006


Andrew Pass

Christian, As knowledge continues to change much faster than it has ever before changed, it becomes increasingly obvious that the purpose of school should not be to fill students with knowledge. Isntead, its purpose should be to teach students how to think and develop their own knowledge based upon a foundation of ideas and principles. Now, clearly there are certain facts that are not going to change, such as the Great Books. But when students read the Great Books they should read them for the purpose of learning how to think about different ideas and new insights. Here's a question how should the physical space of a school that promotes knowledge creation and refinement through the use of critical thinking skills be different than a school that promotes the acquisition of knowledge. (Here's one suggestion: perhaps the first type of school should be more flexible, allowing both teachers and students to move walls and rearrange them in formats that make sense. Maybe the walls are a metaphor for ideas. Perhaps the view from the classrooms should be more inspiring, trees and bushes, maybe a garden that students can plant but that continuously changes form through the different seasons just as knowledge changes form. You are the expert, what do you think?)

Andrew Pass


Andrew, your comment early on reminds me of what came to mind immediately when I replied to Diana's comment about the Florida bill; while Jeb and Florida might disagree with you, I echo your sentiments that the purpose of school is not to fill a kid with facts. Clarity: a school of the 1950's or 1850's was,...but not of the 21st century. Fully agree with you!

Interesting point about the Great Books. The 'fact' is that they exist. "Great" is not a fact; it's a subjective phrase; but the existence of the collection of works by Plato, Shakespeare, Marx (what, a Commie snuck in the list? Tell Florida to get this guy off and replace him with a 'factual' writer, instead!) is a 'fact'. The 'value' of the Great Books, however, has nothing to do with facts, esp. with half of them being works of fiction in the first place (you mean that Homer fella didn't write all the 'facts' about that old Greek War? Well, he's off the Florida list, too!).

You wrote (and it caused me to smile): "Here's a question how should the physical space of a school that promotes knowledge creation and refinement through the use of critical thinking skills be different than a school that promotes the acquisition of knowledge." Bravo! If you get a second, go to this link and check out Nair/Fielding's book called "The Language of School Design: Design Patterns for the 21st Century" http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/0976267004/ref=dp_olp_2/002-6095507-8011261?ie=UTF8&redirect=true&condition=all -- or go to Amazon and look it up. You'll find true experts in school design who will fully agree with you and take you down the rabbit hole of promise and show you what it actually looks like. You'll love what they have to show you around the world!

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