I've just written to the site/author of 'the top-100 edu-blog' list to have mine removed -- effectively immediately. Additionally, if he can't/won't remove it, I've asked him to add a disclaimer that I've made the request.
If you're not sure what I'm referring to, please read Miguel's post (2nd of 2) that gets into the ironic nature of publicity -- good or bad -- or the fine reseach/analysis/thinking of Darren, John, Stephanie, Dean and others who also tackled this odd affair.
What really p---es me off is that top-notch educators working their tails off -- some of them my friends and mentors -- who rarely get credit from the outside world were given a false pat on the back by a less-than-transparent 'bid' for their links. The list was pure business. Link logorithms with a touch of press release antics thrown in. Gimmick. Beyond that, little.
Hopefully the links to his site will go away soon. And these educators can get the credit they ultimately deserve. In the right way. For the right reasons. Without good people having to work this hard at background-checking (although there is a good lesson there, somewhere, citation fans!).
Christian, I'm talkin' tongue in cheek here, but how will you know if he has honoured your request to remove your site? Maybe someone not on the list can let you know - but googlejuice is googlejuice, I suppose. One ironic thing I noticed after I visited (checking out my place in the list!) was that Doug Noon's excellent Borderland was listed (no surprise to anyone who reads widely across the edublogosphere) but one of his fiercest foes (no link to dignify him either) who has done some flaming in Doug's comments of very dubious educational origin was listed there as well. Not that Doug would care - lists aren't his thing, either. A mixed bag indeed - if you are concerned about the motives behind this list, then I'm rethinking my indifference and considering following your lead.
Posted by: Graham Wegner | December 22, 2006 at 05:57 AM
Back again. Couldn't resist going to look to see if your request had changed anything and yes, it's been removed. Vicki Davis' Cool Cat Teacher Blog has also been moved to a new category and another blog has been plugged in to keep things on an even 100. I used google's cached version to compare - but now I think i will stay away from oedb.
Posted by: Graham Wegner | December 22, 2006 at 06:10 AM