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December 31, 2006


Karl Fisch

Have you read A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson? I haven't read it yet, but I just gave it to my Dad for Christmas - it might give you some tips for your little hike . . .

Whitney Hoffman

I'm really impressed by your blog!
Learning and education have long been a passion of mine, enhanced by my two kids. My own podcast and associated blogs are about kids who struggle in school or have diagnosed learning disabilities, and how parents can help these children succeed.
I think one of the biggest failures schools make is that they don't teach children "how" to learn-they just keep lobbing more and more material at them, hoping it will stick. However, things like "how short term and long term memory works" is not so complicated kids can't understand on their own- and this is information they need to be successful students. Yes, it may be "strategies" but if we never give kids the tools they need to be successful, what the heck are we trying to achieve, anyway? Go tell your average kid to "Study" and they have no clue what this really means. No one gives them directions on how to study, the best and most effective ways to learn material, etc. Why????
Anyway, so we have hit the 6 mo mark at the LD Podcast, exploring issues ranging from how to spot developmental delays and act on them early; how kids can be both gifted and have learning disabilities, and January with be our ADHD month. Stop by and check us out!
Whitney Hoffman
the LD Podcast


I already did this and tagged you three weeks ago -- don't you check links in any more?
: )

I'm humbled reading your excellent response to this challenge (and the responses of some of the others I've seen), which makes me wish I had taken the assignment more seriously. Perhaps I'll try again. Fascinating stuff.

And one other note: I've been neglecting to comment here lately, but the quality of your stuff just keeps going up. I've got so many of your posts saved in Bloglines right now that I will officially never get to them all. Keep up the good work...

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