100 words or less on this odd 'list' affair:
Fishy: "Top 100 Edu-Blog" email list was fishy to me immediately. Still is. Even after reading countless posts (and even comments by 'Jimmy' of the sponsoring 'organization').
Ironic: Discussion (and linking to his website and 'the list') builds traffic. Google juice. Web hits. Marketing ROI. Everything else? Semantics.
Opaque: Not transparent on any level. Period. That disappoints. Frustrates. And frankly belittles the time of those who explored, linked, appreciated.
Make Lemonade: John's good people for his re-mash of 'the list'. So is Miguel (part 1, part 2), Darren, Stephanie, Dean, and others for patience/analysis/insights!
Dug this shot immediately of the fish in the bag from a street vendor in Bangkok that is part of Colodio's Flickr collection. Some other wonderful visual joy in there as well, so check it out!