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May 17, 2007



I listened to his TED talk and found it to be one of the best they had up there. He's not only a smart guy, but a pretty good speaker. It's hard to stand up and have an interesting talk for 20 minutes, much less without slides or fancy animations.

When I get some time over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to listen to some of the others there. A lot of them are very fascinating.


It was a great experience to meet the 'scouser' - humble with sincerity!


PS Thanks for the kind words my friend...


Well, now I really want to meet him too! I was impressed with his Ted Talks when I wrote my Square Peg, Round Hole post (linked to my name) back in December, and now I know that went well beyond just a good presentation... thanks for the post.

I am really starting to wonder how we will get out of the standardized testing/ranking of schools paradigm? We want our kids to be 'change agents', as you say, but we force-feed them an unchanging meal.
I'm guilty too, it isn't like I am a creativity chef. I try to be progressive and challenge my students in new ways, but it needs to go beyond just asking different questions, it needs to get to the point where expression of creativity is the meal that we feed them at school... not just the appetizer or the dessert.

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