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October 16, 2007


Cathy Nelson

Yep we've noted your notable absence. Culture shock or sheer enjoyment --can't decide for sure what you are feeling. Hope the 180 degree career change is rewarding finally. I'm sure it was a shock to the system at first. This post finally sounds like maybe its coming a wee bit easier. After all, your radar is picking up the experts again, like your pal Lehmann. Keep up the good work, and think about how much you'll be able t reflect on at Spring break and Sumer vacation.


Guess I am not the only one that has noticed your absence! :-) I saw this earlier and LOVED it! I want it at school, so am trying to run it around our firewall. Fun, fun!

Enjoy the rest of your week!

John Pederson

We're still thinking about you. :)


Glad to hear from you! Hope the year back with students is going well.

Paul Williams

I saw another one of these videos on Hypertext and thought it was fantastic. I wonder if anyone in the UK is doing this sort of research?


I wanted to pass this video on to my superintendent but knew the YouTube version would be blocked. Found it on Teacher Tube, that might help Cathy.

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