Here's the vid.
Popcorn and Crayola "Pip Squeak" markers are yours to gather.
The backstory (so to speak) can be found below for those who care to read such fodder.
Thought I'd take a swing at the Vimeo fence for the first time, too. Think I'm aesthetically partial to V over YT at this point.
Better visual experience & far superior uploading process.
The "NECC '08 Blogger Blues" from Christian Long on Vimeo.
On the way back from a better-than-Cats family trip to Santa Fe and Taos, NM this past week, I wrestled with the Should I Stay or Should I Go (Now) decision re: NECC down in Santa Fe.
If I went, it'd mean arriving home late on Saturday (after 2 days of driving), unpacking, helping with laundry, trying to get the kiddo back on some sort of sleep schedule, and offering to help my wife however I could for a 1/2 day, before jumping in the car the next morning to make the 5 hr drive down to San Antonio to crash NECC. Oh, and then I'd have to turn around the car the following day to race back home to pack once again for yet another (10 day) family trip to Chicago/Wisconsin that involved a plane and much pre-lift-off stress. A quandry, to say the least. Especially when I considered my wife having to juggle all of that and Beckett solo for 2 days while I cavorted with my @network.
Desire to catch up F2F with blogging/network/life buddies from far-n-wide was ranking high. But so was being with my family. And just being a decent husband/father in the process.
Well, somewhere between Las Vegas, NM and Amarillo, TX, I made the mental call to skip NECC and stay home. Figured I could snipe the backchannels virtually while getting a smile from my wife.
1 day later, I'm 100% sure I made the right decision. Even though I wish -- like mad -- I could have been in 2 places at once, especially given the RibFest and such going on down in S.A, family is family, being a papa/husband trumps all.
Tangents & Such:
With that said, Beckett and I had some fun today with a semi-inspired "My @network went to NECC and I made this lousy t-shirt" blogging brainstorm. And then the lil' fella pulled out papa's 2 blues harps from who know's where.
The rest is history.
The vid is offered with full tongue and cheek, and a legit miss-y'all smile. Enjoy the world-wide release of Beckett's very own "necc '08 blogger blues", his first go-around on the blues harp (not bad for figuring it out on the fly on day 1).
Hope to catch up with my @network soon, F2F or one Tweet at a time. Consider this a down payment on that.
Beautiful. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want the f2f stuff all that much more.
Be well and thanks.
Posted by: Dean Shareski | June 30, 2008 at 01:10 AM