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June 19, 2008


Cathy Nelson

Interesting take on it Christian. But I have to say the best part is NOT necessarily what happens in the sessions, but rather the conversations and impromptu show-n-tells that pop up all around NECC. Those will be the viral podcasts and UStreams I predict. And there is no controlling them. I cant wait to see responses here.

Wesley Fryer

We've gotta remember we're in the midst of big change here, and change is coming about through conversations..... This is not just going to be an interesting situation to watch, it's going to be interesting to PARTICIPATE in... I agree with Cathy that the networking opportunities which NECC provides between sessions, in the evenings, and in the edu-blogger lounge are GREAT. Many of the sessions are great too... The best sessions are offered by practitioners... you know that, I know... Sounds like you have a great family time lined up in NM. We were just there 2 weeks ago and it was FANTASTIC. Even snowed on us.

If you can tho, I would encourage you to be at NECC. Whatever ISTE's policies are, there are definitely going to be GREAT conversations going on, and it would be super to have you there F2F! :-)


I know where I stand. I was going to help webcast many things....now I have left the NECC ning and taken down all but one flake on the Pageflakes. Tyranny is not popular in eastern europe either.


I know where I stand. I was going to help webcast many things....now I have left the NECC ning and taken down all but one flake on the Pageflakes. Tyranny is not popular in eastern europe either.


I know where I stand. I was going to help webcast many things....now I have left the NECC ning and taken down all but one flake on the Pageflakes. Tyranny is not popular in eastern europe either.

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