Time. But Who's Keeping Track?
The only problem I'll have this coming year in massaging the 'hero journey' construct with my students to help kick up the heat on the traditional Brit Lit motif will be fitting a lifetime of content into 9 months.
Oh, and all dem crazy projects, too.
My 1st day list of possible ideas pushes well past 753 minutes right now (if I cross out 3/4 of it), a tad bit more than what passing bells will allow. Shrug.
The Saccharin Side of Hero Worship
Perhaps I'll just show them this little Disney snippet of a happy-go-lucky young Hercules seeking his Merlin mentor, push the kids to deconstruct the stereotypical Hollywood cartoon 'hero' that such a film clip assumes...
...and then ask them if they can guess how we're gonna collectively mess that mutha up over the next 9 months.
Drinking the Kool-Aid
And that makes me think that following Ewan McIntosh's lead in figuring out a way to add a little touch of the steampunk aesthetic in terms of asking the obvious about this SecondLife-to-video-vignette:
What's the hero evolution backstory on the guy in the balloon? And what assumptions do the steampunk sensibility light in our imagination when we wonder about the hero's journey that will follow?
Or, Maybe This
Then again...
...I'll probably opt for the cool-enough-for-school Steam Boy's trailer, instead: