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August 27, 2008


Harold Jarche

All things must come to an end and I'm sure that you will put as much energy into your class blogs as you did with this one. See you around somewhere in the 'sphere. It's been a pleasure. Cheers!

John Powers

Christian, did I ever say Thank you! I will now and really mean it: Thank you.

I'm happy the blog will be archived for a while. A friend has been asked to consult educators about using blogs and online tools in the classsroom. He's eager to do it, but not in the classroom and the basis for asking him to consult is pretty slim. I worked up some links for him and this blog was included. There's lots to glean here and I appreciate you're keeping it open to allow people to pick through so many links.

Good luck and may you float always on oceans of happiness.

Dan Meyer

Michael Jordan, Jay Z, Christian Long.

Graham Wegner

While I respect your decision to move on from this blog, on a personal and selfish note, I am disappointed that your unique take (in this format) on the constantly reshaping world will be missing from my network. But, I do appreciate how much time NEEDS to be given to your family - their connections MUST come first. Cheers from down under,

Lucy Gray

Wah! I guess I'll just have to follow your goings on via Facebook! I hope you will return to blogging when it seems to make sense. I haven't been writing much this past year, and generally feel too scattered to write anything deep, but I'm not abandoning blogging. Anyway, congratulations to you and Karla... when's the next bambino due? I love Beckett's nick name, Bex, btw. I think I saw that in FB?

Alec Couros

When you make a choice for family, you make the right choice every time. Of, course you will be missed as an edublogger, and now, even more respected.

All the best Christian. Your time here has given more than you will know to more than you will know.

George Siemens

Christian - thx for your contributions.

Honorable decision to place emphasis of energy on what yields the most substantial and satisfying rewards.

All the best

Miguel Guhlin

Christian, I wish you well. I hope giving up your blog feels like a lost tooth, a gaping vaccuum that you will constantly return to, seeking...something.


Wishing you well and look forward to your return,


Darren Draper

And just when I was starting to like you...



You've contributed much to the conversation, Christian -- thanks for everything, especially in getting me thinking in different ways over the years.

Clay Burell

Good luck, Christian, and happy trails.

Peter LaFontaine

hilarious that you would have a blog before the one that we post on every week. It would fit you though. It's a pity that you would end this one though. Why can't you just moderate two blogs at once. Oh wait a minute I suppose that would be kind of hard, especially with mr/ms. numero-dos on the way. Do you ever check back on this blog. You should. Just to see this comment.

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