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August 17, 2008


John Maklary

Congratulations Christian to you and your family! Having more than one can be wonderful because Beckett can now show his sibling the ways of the world.

One thing I learned about having a second child is that 1 + 1 does NOT equal 2. There's definitely a synergy that exists and you will soon find that out yourself.

Enjoy the moment, enjoy your wife, your son, and get ready for another incredible experience. Take care.

Kate Olson

Hmmmm, as John says before me, I've found that 1+1 sometimes equals 5 - it's a math miracle, maybe dy/dan could help figure that out for us? Congrats to all of you!


Congratulations Christian to you and your wife! I missed some of your recent blog posts so it's only fitting that I got the news from your embedded YouTube video.
(in the past, we used to use telephones to share the news. And we certainly didn't have an extensive PLN that cared about our lives much beyond our own four walls!)

Dan Meyer

This reads kinda like a (second) retirement notice. Someone help me out here.

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